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"A Living Human Girl"

(The Regrettes)

(written by Gracie)


published 10.22.20

The song “A Living Human Girl” by The Regrettes is a brilliant piece that exposes our common insecurities in such a way that makes us want to embrace them instead. 


The first verse goes like this:


[Verse 1]

I've got pimples on my face

And grease in my hair

And prickly legs, go ahead and stare

An ass full of stretch marks and little boobs

A nice full belly that's filled with food


These are all characteristics of our bodies that men are quick to judge about. They are quick to judge us for not wearing makeup to cover acne, for not shaving, for “not being skinny enough,” etc. The list could go on and on, because frankly, men criticize women for their appearances far too often. If it weren’t for their criticisms, these insecurities of supposed “imperfections” would probably not even exist. Men have, let’s face it, shaped society and its perspectives on gender norms/roles. I mean, why else is it okay for men not to shave, but “unladylike” if a woman doesn’t shave? The system is meant to put women into boxes. See it now? 


What I love so much about this first verse is that it is so unapologetically real. Not everyone has perfect skin or hair. Not everyone can (or wants to) shave every single day. Not everyone is thin like the beauty standards expect us to be. The truth is that, yes, we have prickly legs, grease in our hair, stretch marks, and little boobs. No body is exactly the same because we’re all unique. This is precisely what A Living Human Girl looks like. 



Sometimes I'm pretty and sometimes I'm not

So let's take a listen, hit me with your best shot


It’s true. Most of the time we are not dressed in our best outfits or look perfectly put together. 


[Verse 2]

I don't exercise and I don't read books

So if you want to criticize me, go ahead, take a look

I'm not being bossy, I'm saying how I feel

And I'm not a bitch for stating what is real


Men are quick to call women “bossy” or a “bitch” for simply stating what they believe or stating what they want. If men aren’t called these words for being “authoritative,” why are women?


[Verse 3]

I bleed once a month

And sometimes when I shave I get little red bumps

I wear short skirts and sometimes long pants

And I can dress how I want, not looking for a show of hands


And now it’s time for us all to start ranting about the time(s) that we have been called moody or over-emotional because of our periods. You done yet? Probably not. That’s a discussion for another time. I have no idea why men are so freaked out by menstruation. They call it “disgusting” and “inappropriate,” but when it comes to watching action films where there’s a lot of blood suddenly it’s cool? It really makes no sense.


The song continues to talk about all of the things we are criticized for. From periods to how we dress. We dress for ourselves and no one else. I especially love the last line of this verse because it’s true! Wearing a short skirt, for example, is not us wanting “a show of hands.” Wearing a short skirt or long pants or anything is because we want to wear it. We wear what we do because it makes us feel good about ourselves and it is how we want to express ourselves. “Revealing” clothing like short skirts or crop tops are not attention-seeking. They are simply clothes that we want to wear for ourselves



Sometimes I'm moody and sometimes I'm not

Sometimes I'm lazy and sometimes I'm not

Sometimes I'm crazy and sometimes I'm not

Sometimes I'm angry and sometimes I'm not

Sometimes I'm happy and sometimes I'm not


Men (if any are reading this right now), let’s not forget that women are living human beings just like you are! We’re not perfect, but neither are you-- no one is. We all get moody, lazy, crazy, angry, and happy, so there’s no reason to criticize someone for feeling their human emotions. 

So, as the album is called, Feel Your Feelings, Fool!  Don’t be quiet on the things you care about. Don’t be quiet because others will label you as bossy. Don’t stop dressing how you want because you get criticized for it. Why

Tell yourself:



Because I can be brave and I can be bold

No matter what you have to say

Oh I fall in love with people once a day

Oh, but if you ask me out, I'm still allowed to say

No way

listen to it here!


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