"Don't Kill My Vibe" (Sigrid)
(written by Melissa)
published 10.28.20
This powerful song by Sigrid has enjoyable beats matched with empowering lyrics to create a strong piece. It’s an uplifting anthem for anyone, especially women, who feel like they’ve been looked down upon. There has been a major lack of representation by women in the music industry, and sadly it also applies to women in the film and television industry. Hopefully, the industries will realize that they should take a deeper dive into the representation of minorities. “Don’t Kill my Vibe” by Sigrid can apply to us in several different ways, simply where you decide.
Sigrid mentions in the song, “You think you’re so important to me, don’t you,” which are powerful lyrics that can hold many meanings. The song is about being belittled as a young female artist breaking into the music industry. The track was inspired by raising the middle-finger to every hater out there that you may have. It’s about embracing your uniqueness and ignoring the people who try to tear you down for being different.
The song is especially empowering because it was released in 2017 just as the #MeToo movement was gathering. She wrote the Indie/Pop song that perfectly materialized the overcoming mood. “You shut me down, you like the control,” is what Sigrid mentioned as a means to vocalize the irritation she experienced during a recording session with older men. “You speak to me like I’m a child … I can’t shake it off and you feel threatened by me.” In the song, she strikes fury with every woman who’s been undermined or spoken over just as she was in the recording session.
This song pumps you up to stand tall against anyone who wants to bully their way through the world. By “standing tall,” it means choosing to ignore and disconnect from the haters. You shouldn’t let any negative person interfere with your world. Don’t let anyone bring you down. Don’t let them kill your joy and don’t let them Kill Your Vibe!