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"Can't Hold Us Down" (Cristina Aguilera ft. Lil’ Kim)

(written by Melissa)


published 01.21.21

Christina Aguilera has always made sure to utilize her talent in a way that perpetuates feminism, empowerment, and self-love— it has become a staple in her music with the release of her album Stripped, the album where the song Can’t Hold Us Down (featuring Lil’ Kim) is all about being a big “fuck you” to men in society who are able to do whatever they want, when on the contrary, girls face double-standards when showing the same attitude in the world. 


Can’t Hold Us Down opens with the lyrics, “What am I not supposed to have an opinion? Should I keep quiet just because I’m a woman?”


She tears a strip of carelessness off of all the men who have called her names and spread rumors about her during her career. The song is a re-invention of herself. Many people wonder if female singers are doing it because they get bored with their look more than men do, or whether the change is being dictated by an industry full of double-standards.


"So what am I not supposed to have an opinion / Should I be quiet just because I'm a woman / Call me a b***h cos I speak what's on my mind / I guess it's easier for you to swallow if I sat and smiled." 

With those lyrics, Christina Aguilera is fighting back society's expectation of women to be quiet and obedient, while men are allowed to say anything they’d like without the fear of reproach.


Aguilera's line, "suddenly big talker don't know how to act," is encouraging self-confidence and standing up for oneself. 


Aguilera hones in on how she feels about spreading false rumors about someone and slandering them for no good reason with the lyric, "It's sad you only get your fame through controversy, but now it's time for me to come and give you more to say."


In all simplicity, Aguilera is singing about what’s been bothering women for years: “The guy gets all the glory the more he can score, while the girl can do the same and yet you call her a whore.”

listen to it here!

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