A Human Landscape
(original poem by Alice)
words from the author:
I wrote this poem as part of a university project. I didn't end up submitting it, I found it meant more to me than I meant it to. Thinking of body as a landscape was an interesting experience, it certainly made me confront how I felt about it, and maybe even helped me like it a bit more. Bodies are natural, just like the landscape, and we should appreciate their beauty a bit more!
My landscape is complete with imperfections:
wonky-cut stone.
Water that is brown and green and not blue at all,
which flows, as blood, to my locks and my arteries.
Feeble locks that are hard to unwind and impossible to wind back up.
The cut in the back of my ear,
the purple circle above my Achilles,
the dot to the left of my kneecap.
Perhaps not pretty and certainly not perfect.
My landscape is complete with imperfections,
and I have to,
and I can
live with that.