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"S.L.U.T." (Bea Miller) 

(written by Gracie)


published 10.30.20


“S.L.U.T” is a pop song by Bea Miller. I was highly obsessed with it back in 2018 and I decided to bring it back to share with you all.


If you couldn’t tell by the title of the song, it is about reclaiming oppressive language. Men and women alike are guilty of calling other women sluts because of the way they dress, and this song is meant to empower all of the women who have been called this. Bea reclaims the word and turns it into something new and powerful-- Sweet Little Unforgettable Thing.


This song is about loving yourself, and that message is automatically introduced in the first verse: “I love myself, I wanna see it // When I turn around, look in the mirror.” And, no, this is not being “conceited,” it is about being happy with yourself and having a positive body image. Being comfortable in one’s own skin is difficult, mainly because of the media and how we so often compare ourselves to one another. Another major factor is the language used against us for the way we dress. If someone wears a mini-skirt or a deep v-neck, they are instantly told to cover up. They are told it’s "inappropriate--" only because the patriarchy has told us it is. Women (typically) stick together and empower one another; if it weren’t for the men that run society that say they feel “uncomfortable” with what women wear, women would probably have a more positive body image. And for that matters sake, women actually have a reason to feel uncomfortable when men tell them this. 


The truth of the matter is that “If you don't like what I'm wearing // Well, you're only bothered 'cause you're staring.” Men staring at our bodies in the first place makes us uncomfortable. 


So, to my ladies and my non-binaries:


Keep wearing what makes you happy, what makes you feel confident, and what makes you feel like you. Don’t let anyone tell you what you are or what you aren’t. And most importantly:


“We gotta learn to stick together

Love your color, gender or whatever

'Cause your happiness don't need a censor

Just mind your own and we'll keep owning it”

listen to it here!

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