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Dear Sarah

(written by Isabella)


published 03.22.21

Sarah Everand’s murder is a horrifying event that too many women are familiar with. On March 3rd, Sarah went missing walking home from a friend’s house only for her body to be discovered in the woods nine days later. It was also been revealed that her killer was in fact a police officer. 


Sarah’s story has a personal effect on women due to the fact that she did all the things women are supposed to do in order to protect themselves and yet was still killed. Traffic cameras revealed that she was walking on a well-lit rode, she had texted her boyfriend where she went and that she was on her way back as well as the fact that she was wearing bright clothing. 


This has sparked a wide range question surrounding women and if they are being protected – the answer is no. It has also allowed for this absolutely disgusting yet very true statistic to go viral. It was released that in the U.K, where Sarah was from, that 97 percent of women between the age of eighteen and twenty-seven have been sexually harassed. This includes catcalling, being touched inappropriately, full on assault and so much more. However, what has also gone viral, is the counter argument to this statistic, which is that “not all men” are predators. Here is why that’s a stupid thing to say.


People are aware that not all men are predators, abusers and so on, however the hard truth is that almost all women have been sexually harassed. You can ask literally any woman in your life, and sadly, also the young girls in your life and almost all of them will have a story of times where they have felt unsafe because of unwanted advancements by men. It’s the harsh truth that women live in a world where there are enough male offenders to make all women afraid. Not to mention that when men come out to say that they too are afraid of walking out at night, their reason is because they are also afraid of other men hurting them. 


In addition to Sarah’s tragic death, her peaceful vigil was met with police brutality. London police believed that the gathering was violating Covid-19 restrictions and therefore, responded to the situation with violence. Firstly, the situation was not violating Covid-19 rules, primarily since a week before the vigil, the police escorted a gathering of people celebrating a soccer game, with a crowd that was primarily male. Secondly, this was a deliberate act of sexism where police met the primarily female crowd with violence and multiple arrests.  


Despite what others will tell you, for centuries, including today's, women are oppressed, attacked, and objectified-- and the fact that something horrible has to happen before we have this conversation is disgusting on all of our parts. To say Sarah deserved a peaceful vigil is so small compared to the fact that all Sarah deserves is to be alive right now. 


When I saw pictures of the vigil and the flowers people left, one of them had a sticky note on it that said: “Dear Sarah, it wasn’t your fault!!!” That picture left me in tears because she probably thought she’d be okay and ended up being killed by the people who are supposed to protect us. That picture inspired me to write this because her story needs to be shared; the conversation we’re having is so necessary and important, and I also hope that the story of her life is shared-- the accomplishments she achieved and the love she carried with her. 

Dear Sarah, you’ll forever be in our hearts. 


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