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We Are Not Objects

(written by Hailey)


published 11.13.20

click the image for a video on self-defense from professionals

Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault, Harassment


An article from National Public Radio published in February of 2018 reported that more than 3 of 4 women have been verbally harassed (survey conducted by Stop Street Harassment); the survey shows that about 77% of women that took the survey have experienced verbal sexual assault. Around 51% of the women have experienced unwelcome sexual touching, around 41% have experienced cyber sexual harassment, approximately 34% have been physically followed, roughly 30% experienced unwanted genital flashing, and roughly 27% have been sexually assaulted. Sexual assault, harassment, etc. doesn't just happen to women; it can happen to anyone and it especially affects the LGBTQIA+ community. In today's society, people carry around items for self-defense and have to go as far as learning self-defense to protect themselves in possible scary/uncomfortable situations. I, like many others, am afraid to go out on my own and have to be extremely cautious when I do because of the constant threat that is harassment. It's unfair and wrong that we have to constantly be hyperaware of our surroundings and feel uncomfortable on our own.


I myself have been cat-called and followed-- while my friend and I were waiting to cross the street a man in a car whistled at us and said something. We didn’t hear what he said but we knew he said something. The same day my friend and I were being followed, I was terrified but thankfully my dad arrived to pick us up about 5 minutes after. These incidents happened about a year ago but I think about it every time I leave my house. Now I’m even more cautious and aware of my surroundings as compared to before that day. It definitely was frightening and I wished no one had to go through that. I’m so thankful nothing worse happened. 


Women, men, and non-binaries all over the world sadly face things way worse than what happened to my friend and I. Harassment, assault, etc. is a very touchy topic for so many reasons. No one is ever asking for it! No matter what the situation is, or what you are wearing. Normalize asking for consent! If at any time you or the person you are with are uncomfortable, you are allowed to change your mind and withdraw consent and it’s okay! You should never feel pressured to do anything you don’t want to do or are hesitant about. Listen to yourself and your body and don’t feel embarrassed or ashamed for changing your mind.


If you have ever faced any type of assault or harassment of any kind and no one seems to care or listen to you, I hear you and care about you. You are so strong!

 We are not objects!


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